Lot 0916500445
Stocks and Bonds - Hungary
Ungarn, Uijpest
- September 1930 -
Aktie über 1000 Pengöröl
Branche: Elektrizität
II (vorzüglich)
Terms and Conditions: | ||
Customer Satisfaction:: | If the customer is not satisfied with the stamps he can return them within 30 days at full money back guarantee. | |
All Stamps are guaranteed: | All items sold are believed to be genuine to the best of our knowledge. Any items purchased that are found to be false or forged as determined by an acknowledged expert can be returned for a refund within 1 year from date of purchase Lots and collections are sold as is. | |
Payment Terms: | All prices include Value Added Tax. New customers have to pay in advance. Invoices have to be paid within 14 days. | |
Postage and Packing: |
Within Germany: starting from 4, 50 Euro. Orders over 150, 00 € are free of charge. Europe and Overseas customers please inquire for postage rates. |
Methods of payment: |
German customers: bank transfer, check, C.O.D Foreign customers: bank transfer, Check, Credit Card (VISA or MasterCard) |
Fixed Price
12.00 EUR